Qabrastan Ahle Muslimeen: A Tale of Identity and Struggle

The Qabrastan Ahle Muslimeen in Mathura is not just a burial ground for Muslims;
it is a sacred symbol of our culture, identity, and existence. It is more than a piece of land.
it is a witness to centuries of prayers, tears, and memories.

Today, this cemetery has become the epicenter of a struggle that needs to echo not only in Mathura but across the world. In 2023, bulldozers were brought in without any orders, notices, or permissions. This was not just an attack on our land but a wound inflicted on our collective soul.

Our question is simple: Are our heritage and rights so insignificant that they can be trampled upon without any justification? Does the law, which promises equality to all citizens, remain silent when it comes to us?

This is not merely a fight to protect a piece of land; it is a fight to safeguard our identity, our history, and our future. Muslims have made every effort to protect this cemetery. A significant legal battle is underway, but we cannot fight this alone.

Our vulnerabilities make us feel helpless, but our faith and hope keep us strong. We want to tell the world—we are crying out for help, seeking justice. If your land, your identity, and your heritage were under attack, what would you do?

This piece is a plea—to all those who believe in justice and humanity. Be our voice, stand with us. Your smallest contribution, whether a prayer or legal support, is invaluable to us.

Together, we can win this battle. This is not just about saving a cemetery; it is a test of whether humanity and justice can prevail.

Every stone and every grave of Qabrastan Ahle Muslimeen will bear witness to your support. We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant us success in this struggle. Ameen.